“... to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.”

Luke 1:17


The Vision of Chris Cochran ministries is to bring to this generation a passion, excitement, and love for the gospel of Jesus Christ through anointed teaching and preaching, and through powerful physical healings, manifestations, and demonstrations of His Spirit.

Our Mission

To teach Christ's revelation knowledge
To impart Christ's healing power
To welcome Christ's Spirit’s moving
To hasten Christ's soon return

  • Rev. Cochran is full of revelation of God’s Word and delivers it with signs following. He was a great blessing to our congregation.

    Pastor Keith A. Butler II
    Pastor of Faith Xperience Church

  • I have known and observed Chris for over 20 years and have been continually impressed with his high degree of character, excellence, diligence and faith. He has the innate capacity to employ practical application of the Word of God to bring notable results in people’s lives.

    Lance Ivey
    Founder, Lance Ivey Ministries

  • I would like to sincerely recommend Rev. Chris Cochran for the following reasons: I am honored and blessed to be acquainted with Rev. Chris Cochran. He is a man of utmost integrity and ministers with a genuine “heart of compassion.”

    Jim Hockaday (Jim Hockaday Ministries)
    Former Kenneth Hagin Ministries Prayer and Healing Center Coordinator

  • I am happy to have an opportunity to write a recommendation for Chris Cochran. I have known him for thirteen years and had the pleasure of having him in five of my classes. I teach on Israel and the Middle East. Chris Cochran has a tremendous commitment to the Lord and is truly anointed by the Holy Spirit. He has a call on his life and is already moving in his gifting.

    John W. Swails III, Ph.D.

    Professor of History and Director of the Center

    for Israel and Middle East Studies

    Oral Roberts University

  • It gives me great pleasure to recommend for your consideration Rev. Chris Cochran. He graduated from Oral Roberts University with his degree in Biblical Literature. He is a polite, respectful person who is willing to listen to other people's positions openly and yet has strong convictions of his own.One senses a powerful call on his life. He is committed to loving God with both mind, heart and resources. I would be most comfortable if he were my pastor or colleague.

    James B. Shelton, Ph.D.

    Professor of New Testament

    Department of Theology

    Oral Roberts University

Contact Chris

Rev. Cochran is scheduling meetings at this time. If you would like to contact him regarding scheduling, reach out to us using our form.

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